Patients suffering from paralysis after a stroke has a lot of different situations, I temporarily divided into 3 main condition
1) Patients with completely paralyzed, incapable of movement, has little feeling in hands and feet, no clear memory, dining and living incontinent individuals. This is the case if you want to treat, require the immediate presence of specialist treatment, this condition difficult to recover, because patients have cognitive impairment, loss of willpower.
2) Patients with pain in the limbs, impaired memory but little, still aware, but no clear as before but still receives sufficient information, in this situation many patients compromising the ability to pronounce, so reflective conversation, the response is slow, and difficult, especially very difficult to curb swallowed, so often second Great melted. Fingers and toes curl, sag down the shoulder joint, knee dough out, helplessly. There are many hands paralyzed shrinkage in the body, very uncomfortable and painful. This condition if you want to treat my method, you need to have active support of the home, or care worker. The probability of complete recovery of 50 to 70%
3) Case No. 3, is nervous and awareness of the disease is still normal, sighted. Only damaged brain controls motor function of limbs. This situation is still sensitive patient pain normal, but the limbs do not follow the direction of the brain, as powerless (unsatisfactory). In this case, patients themselves can perform therapy without the help of others, resilience go back, and limbs normal operation may reach 90 to 95% probability.
All 3 cases, patients hardly any damage with a capacity to listen and look (this is key to applying effective therapies)
In the framework of the purpose of the article is Self-Treatment therapies, so I only mention common therapy for the first case and 2nd case.
The therapy consists of 2 parts Static Public and Industry, which is practiced in the state of practice in Dynamic and Static status. The practice in the state include three operations: Scream (verbally suede) - Train movement Hand (Boxing) - Exercise Truth Campaign (soccer). Static exercise state manipulation is only one force in qigong practice (sitting breathing).
1) Practice in Action status:
a) Preparation Scream (I often jokingly referred to wipe upside). This is a sophisticated subjects drawn from the method of the Buddhist Lion throat, almost screams ki-ai in the martial arts of Japan. Lion amalgams, is a sophisticated subject area of the internal forces on electrically conductive gas then emits an unusual vibration frequency, beyond the threshold (human ear can not hear). But contains an extraordinary energy can break things or cause internal injuries to the listener (Photographs on the shooting I was preparing for gas transport screams for help paralyzed patients treated), Engineering Art for patients such as technical scream, but no shout out that in contrast to the first, in order to take advantage of the internal energy that shocks to the injured brain, stimulates motility recovery.
* Technical training as follows:
The patient sits in a chair or on the bed legs hanging down freely, back straight, head slightly bent, neck, neck, and waist to form a relatively straight line. Slowly inhale deeply through your nose, swollen abdomen, while feeling like a little imagination, it was nearly full as little pumped up the spine, with tips is furrowed as inflatable anal narrowed to that, then imagine as airflow over the top, as practiced breathing relatively mature, then put a little imagination into the brain injury (as opposed to the paralyzed), then immediately shouted out alive stomach one hour big chord with the letter "G ... oh."
Writing is long but very short implementation process. The secret to this success shout out is to habituate patients with previous abdominal breathing method. That is inhaled breath bangmui, belly bulge out, exhale through the mouth and stomach simultaneously alive again.
b) Practice Notebook: After making screams "Wood" as presented above 3 times. Patients imagine my hands like boxing on a punching bag hanging in front (if possible how to hang). Papaya hand paralyzed in front of the position as boxing really. Also imagine paralyzed arm in that position as well. Patients can be loosely closed eyes, or look at how to hang in front. Inhale the breath as a breath of Screams Wood above. Then just yell and scream Wood not paralyzed fist hit the front, and imagine the whole slope scream at hand. Continue like that, breathing Monday for paralyzed hand, this time the patient has to take action to breathe, just close your eyes to imagine preparing attack paralyzed hand, when the screaming just unwind, also the screams put it into the hands of paralysis, the blow of imagination. Continue approximately 3 times so they should move to train legs
c) Training legs:
Full training method such as hands, but instead of sandbags, then hang a ball, knee high level, the nose feet, and perform rock combined with such shouts Wood, fresh legs done before, leg paralysis following implementation
* Note:
This practice is drained and vitality, so every once set up done 3 times is enough, can set several times a day.
Efficiency will see very clearly in the 20 days after a month.
(I got a fist suddenly paralyzed from the hand of a patient taken to the face, very painful, but also very fun)
2) Static Public Practice: Self-Luc method qigong practice, according to Nursing Students therapy, exactly the same as described in the article as from qigong, You can open up in this Blog thuannghia to study, because conditions, I can not write back to this once
You have to trust in this therapy, because it has collected experience treating polio my years. Moreover You do not entrust to other physical therapies. As I write this method, when the Institute has dozens of machines, the most advanced equipment today, but the treatment effect is modest.
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