
Note the care of patients with cerebral vascular accident

When discharged, the patient Stroke can not restore functionality to face many difficulties in life. In this case we need utmost care and attention when home treatment to the patient quickly recovered.

Eating at the Stroke
When discharged, the patient Stroke can eat or be fed through the cannula.
With the patient can eat should apply nutrition as follows:
• Give the person eating as usual, if you eat less, you should increase the meals of the day.
• Food should be processed in accordance with the patient's ability to chew. Can diced, chopped, stewed to the patient easy to eat and easy to absorb.
• Food must be balanced and meet the necessary quality protein such as meat, fish, eggs, tofu ...; carbohydrates from rice, pasta, bread ...; ... fat from fat; vegetables and fruits.
• Energy need of the day is: 25-30kcal / kg body weight / day.
• Nutrient composition of the day should be divided diversity.
• Drink enough water: can be calculated by 40ml / kg body weight / day.

• The majority of patients are lying in bed or go back to limited energy demand will be lower than normal.
• If the patient has a reasonable diet, the body expressed as follows: ruddy skin, no ulcers, mucosal ulceration was not, reach the ideal weight, body solid, smooth hair, no hair.

For patients unable to eat
The Stroke patients can not eat due to paralysis of throat. If there is food easily cause choking or vomiting. So fed through catheters are strongly advised to apply will help patients receive the right amount of food needed for the day. When patient care must be fed through the cannula to comply with the doctor's instructions to avoid unfortunate complications can occur.

Activities, workouts
In severe cases, patients are not self-movement, one may need to help them change positions every 3 hours to prevent ulcers. Every time you flip the need rubbing alcohol, alcohol or talc on the back, buttocks and spleen were weighed another location. As for dining, the cushion behind the patient to hold their positions in half lying, half-sitting.
For milder cases, depending on the level of cell paralysis, to set out a specific plan for the patient to practice every day. Try to do them at the maximum, the only people who support or help when patients are unable to do. During exercise requires perseverance of both the patient and the instructor. This work should be continued even when the sequelae have been restored.

Treatment of Stroke
Patients with stroke, not only pharmacy, which should be a combination of medication and acupuncture, acupressure, massage for rapid recovery of limb paralysis. The house should regularly massage the patient, it will help to process faster patient recovery.

Implementation of preventive measures
• Drink 4-6 Ming Wang Brain member 1 day to support the treatment and prevention of cerebrovascular complications and sequelae improved after Stroke.
• Carefully hold when the weather turns cold in the winter and when the air pressure is higher in the summer.
• Avoid late shower or draughty place, especially for people with high blood pressure.
• Avoid stress state, strong emotion. Avoid insomnia.
• Treating the causes of cerebral vascular accident as hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes, cardiac arrhythmias.
• Avoid constipation. Abstinence from alcohol and stimulants.
• Avoid excessive physical activity such as heavy lifting, running fast ...

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