
Nutrition for patients with cerebral vascular accident

Each year about 0.2% of the world population cerebral vascular accident. Particularly for people over 65, the rate is 5%. The number of deaths from this disease is second after cancer.

When sick, eating and travel of cerebrovascular accident is very difficult. So, apart from careful care, the selection of appropriate foods will help patients recover quickly.

When cerebral vascular accident, most patients are lying in bed or go back to limited energy demand will be lower than normal. Therefore, each case of severe or mild disease, we need to have a diet and how to care for science and rationality.

For food, you should give the patient eating like a normal person, if you eat the extra meal. Foods must be consistent with the ability to chew. The food must be balanced and meet the necessary nutrients such as protein from meat, fish, eggs, beans ...; carbohydrates from rice, pasta, bread ...; fat such as oil, grease ...; vegetables and fruits.

For breakfast, you should eat one bowl of porridge sick white, salted duck eggs and half a banana. Lunch and evening meals should be enough food and full of protein and vegetables to ensure adequate vitamins and minerals ... Also, every evening, the patient should drink 200ml of fresh milk to increase Calcium.

For people with severe complications, do not eat by herself, to feed via nasal cannula, stomach, every day should provide approximately 1800-2000 ml or 1 liter of milk porridge flour milling and should be fed 5 meals / day.

Note, when the tube feeding, if the patient is vomiting, bloating, or diarrhea, you should reduce the volume of each meal, reducing the density of the food and should consult a physician. The patients eat right, eat enough to help patients recover quickly, ruddy skin, and mucosal ulceration were not.

Expression occurs before the stroke is cerebral transient ischemic attacks. Do occur rapidly and only lasts for a few minutes so patients often ignore subjective. 1/3 of people have this expression did not know they had the infarct lesion type, 50% will be within 2 days of stroke after transient ischemic attacks, and 10% would be catastrophe cerebrovascular after 90 days

Therefore, to prevent and improve the sequelae after cerebral vascular accident, many patients are choosing to trust the brain Ming Wang. This is a typical product line of herbal products in the prevention, treatment support, improving after stroke sequelae such as paralysis, lisp, distorted mouth, ...

To achieve best results, patients should use brain Ming Wang 2-4 months, while incorporating the methods of exercise and proper nutrition regime.
Minh Phuong

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