
Care of patients after cerebral vascular accident at home

Stroke (TBMMN) is a disorder of acute cerebral circulation, which can cause sudden death or hemiplegia, distorted mouth, psychosis ... To reduce or sequelae and recovery rooms recurrence, while returning home after the emergency phase, patients still have to be cared for, treated under a special regime.

First, the diet: The patient can eat should apply adequate nutrition and physical balance, use the form of soft food, easy to digest, such as porridge, soup, milk, fresh fruit juice . Restrict the use of fat, especially animal fat and stimulants (wine, beer, specialty tea, coffee), reduce the amount of salt to avoid the risk of hypertension, dyslipidemia, are the cause Stroke.

The disease can not eat TBMMN by paralysis of throat should be fed through the catheters to help them receive the right amount of food needed for the day. Try to eat at least five meals / day, the gap between meals from 2 to 3 hours. If the patient is vomiting, bloating, it must reduce the volume of meals. As for dining, the cushion behind the patient to hold their positions in half lying, half-sitting.

Particular persistence mode of living and exercise to restore function after TBMMN for patients. In the case of patients who are not self-movement, the need to help people change their posture 3 hours to prevent skin ulcers. Every time you flip the need rubbing alcohol, alcohol or talc on the back, buttocks and spleen were weighed another location.

For milder cases, depending on the level of cell paralysis, to set out a specific plan for patients with daily exercise. Initially set at a very slight extent, then ascending to the patient can adapt. Try them yourself at maximum, the only supported if the patient can not do. Should maintain daily exercise when sequelae were recovered. Try to patients immediately after crossing the woods for the highest resilience in the first period, so long as, the more difficult recovery.

Also can be combined with acupuncture, acupressure, massage to quickly recover the costs for paralyzed patients. It should be used for patients drugs Stroke prevention and control of stroke risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, .. can cause recurrent seizures . Encourage patients to help patients resolve exercise, and avoiding stress to the patient quickly recovered.

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