
Dizziness in Stroke

Dizziness is defined as the combination of feeling things move around the patient or the patient move around objects with signs occur simultaneously as nystagmus. It's vestibular lesions include the following labyrinthine, vestibular nerve, the central coordination and processing of signals.

Patients may feel moved, everything spins around, or patients themselves around objects, or the feeling of being on a plane vertical displacement along the horizontal or vertical. In some cases unclear, patients feel only a slight shift or wobble myself, feeling soar dropped or feeling off balance.
Signs accompanying the patient feels uncomfortable, usually fear, loss of balance. Falls can occur at dizzying, this time the patient is unable to stand. In addition, there may gait disturbances, nausea, vomiting, pale skin, sweating, decreased heart rate.

The difficulty in the diagnosis and treatment of vertigo are:
- The term "dizzy" is used too much, even when there is no sense of movement.
- Vestibular system interacts with other systems to ensure the balance of the body and of vision. The interpretation of the test results (usually less specific) is very delicate.
History is an important step in the diagnosis and should be taken seriously. It is important mainly for the patient to describe the interpretation of disorders that do not use the word "dizzy". The feeling of malaise, dizziness, vertigo, fear want to fall ... hardly think that is true vertigo of vestibular origin.
User diagnose the root cause
Based on a history, progresses rapidly and the characteristics of dizziness
- History:
Before thinking of dizziness caused by cerebral vascular accident should exclude cases suggest other diagnoses that can be exploited during a medical history: a history of traumatic brain injury, spinal surgery Recent Art from ears (otitis), a history of using drugs such as aminoglycosides (toxicity to the ear), sedatives, or vasodilators (causing hemodynamic disturbances make sense author dizziness).
- Evolution dizziness
+ Style onset:
Sudden onset may be encountered in cerebral vascular accident (Wllenberg syndrome) but usually in the peripheral disease: vestibular neuritis, benign position vertigo, Meniere's disease early stages.
The onset is usually gradual toxicity cases up neurinome ear or vestibular nerve disease or multiple sclerosis.
+ Evolution:
We can distinguish three types:
Dizziness single attack (eg, vestibular neuritis)
Dizziness repeated (benign position vertigo, Meniere's disease ...)
Dizziness continuous and chronic (usually central vertigo)
Dizziness, sudden hearing loss associated with Meniere's disease common in, this time vertigo attack lasted several minutes to several hours. In some rare cases we may encounter in Stroke: infarct area in the ear artery, bleeding inside the labyrinthine.
Dizziness, sudden alone (without hearing loss) can be found in Stroke as the cerebellar infarction, brain stem or Wallenberg syndrome. However, it can be seen in the central illness such as multiple sclerosis, seizures, episodes migren (especially in children) or illness most common peripheral vestibular neuritis.
- Characteristics of dizziness
Feeling dizzy spin is usually peripheral origin, while feeling a loss of balance often a symptom of the disorder mainly central.
The majority of central vestibular syndrome and some peripheral vestibular syndrome with vascular etiology. Cerebral infarction may be the cause of a large number of vestibular syndrome, most of the central vestibular syndrome and some of the peripheral vestibular syndrome.
Cerebral infarction sometimes cause symptoms coordinated central and peripheral, such as cerebral infarction in the previous cerebellar artery below, including the labyrinthine, pons and cerebellum structure. In migren and cerebral infarction in vertebral basilar system, a situation can not be distinguished dizziness are symptoms of vestibular syndrome, central or peripheral.
Progression and prognosis of the syndrome is changing rapidly. Myself dizzy, often sudden onset and usually transient ischemic complications in the brain, must be distinguished from dizzy spells are common in other illness, such as Meniere's disease, migren RESERVED basilar, paroxysmal episodes and vestibular vestibular epilepsy.
The maximum expression of vascular vertigo or dizziness Central is spinning wildly, sudden, patients do not get or loss of vestibular function sides, with intolerance Professor di transfer of the head causing hallucinations rotating objects (oscillopsia) and loss of balance postures.
Some infarction caused ddac distinct syndromes, such as lean condition and response skewed eye injury on the same side of the medullary infarction (Wallenberg's syndrome), or reaction skewed eye on lesions in the contralateral thalamus infarction spread to people along the road between interstitial Cajal (INC).
However, hemorrhage, inflammation or injury occupancy levels are other causes of the syndrome similar. Typically, these abnormal blood vessels are thought to only in patients with nystagmus / dizziness posture that without any corresponding lesion seen on CT or MRI exploration.

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