
Prevention of Stroke in patients with hypertension

Those high blood pressure (140/90 mmHg above) are at risk of cerebral vascular accident more than four times that of normal blood pressure. Meanwhile, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), the world, the proportion of people with hypertension accounts for 8-18% of the population. In Vietnam, the figure in 2005 was 18.3%.
Stroke, also known as cerebral stroke is a fairly common disease and is becoming the cause of the world's leading disability. The legacy of the catastrophe to the very heavy as hemiplegia, lisp, distorted mouth, plant life, and even death caused patients to become a burden to family and society.

There are many factors that lead to cerebral vascular accident, such as nicotine addiction, alcoholism, obesity, physical inactivity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease ... nhungtang blood pressure is considered to be risk factors body leading common (80% causes cerebral vascular accident).

In hypertension, the blood vessels damaged by large blood pressure, will affect the general circulation and cerebral circulation in particular. The damaged vessels, which can lead to small aneurysm in the brain leads to the risk of cerebral hemorrhage, or create favorable conditions for the formation of plaque causes narrowing of heart arteries, obstructing blood flow to feed nursing. The plaque can be peeled off, forming a blood clot completely obstruct blood vessels, leading to cerebral vascular accident.

According to the recommendation, if hypotension is 5mmHg in patients with hypertension will reduce by 10% the risk of cerebral vascular accident. Therefore, to prevent cerebral vascular accident, as well as cardiovascular disease, firstly need better control and treatment of hypertension. However, the fact is that many people in the community do not know if I have high blood pressure or who voluntarily quit lead to blood pressure control more difficult.

Today, many doctors and patients receiving combination therapy of hypertension and additional products of natural origin helps support the treatment and prevention Stroke. Typical products is widely believed used in the prevention of cerebral vascular accident that brain Ming Wang. Brain Ming Wang main ingredient is the enzyme nattokinase to help destroy the fibrin (the main cause of cerebral stroke, cerebral circulatory insufficiency), so Ming Wang brain works and break room clots . At the same time, nattokinase also reduces viscosity, viscosity of the blood, thereby reducing the conditions causing thrombosis and cerebral vascular accidents, heart, such as hypertension, cerebral circulatory insufficiency, impaired Coronary ...

Brain Ming Wang also help support the treatment of cerebral vascular accident, impaired cerebral circulation, enhances blood circulation, dissolve blood clots, reduce vascular congestion, improve the sequelae after stroke cerebrovascular

To achieve the best performance, use brain Ming Wang often combined with other methods, such as massage, reflexology, movement, exercise and sports, ...

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