
Causes of Stroke Patients

Stroke occurs due to blood clots in the heart or blood vessel plaque in the brain emerged cerebral embolization.
Ischemic stroke can be caused by blood clots formed in place right in the heart of the major blood vessels to the brain or blood clots from elsewhere in the body through the bloodstream to the brain causing embolism.
Tai haemorrhagic stroke is when blood from a ruptured blood vessels will form a hematoma causing pinched inside the brain (cerebral hemorrhage) or pinched between the brain and skull (subarachnoid hemorrhage).
The cause of the disease Stroke
Hypertension is considered the leading cause of cerebrovascular accidents. Those with a history of high blood pressure are at risk of cerebral vascular accident 2.5 times higher than those without the disease.

Smoking is also considered an important factor by 5 strokes on the 1 who smoke more.
Atherosclerosis: due to fatty plaques in the arteries close, growing thicker as the vascular lumen narrowing, blood stasis and close clot embolization in place or run up clogging the blood vessels behind, causing complications.
Heart disease: an irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation) or heart valve stenosis ... do good blood circulation, the stagnant blood clot close in heart. A piece of the clot may break off through the bloodstream to the brain will be stuck in that clog capillaries.
Small vessel disease: in people with hypertension, diabetes, untreated perennial good, the small arteries of the brain damage and blockage of blood supply to the brain is not too cerebral anemia.
Cerebral hemorrhage - bleeding brain: blood vessel in the brain bursts, blood to the brain is that flowed into the pinched brain damaged brain. Hypertension is a major cause of broken capillaries, occurs when blood pressure is not treated long-term good. Blood pressure, ie blood pressure in the blood vessels, increasing blood vessels long day often stretched, leading to cracks, damage to blood vessels, creating a small bulge, to someday be broken out.
Other causes: cerebral deformity, degenerative brain blood vessels, brain tumors, hemophilia ...
So stay away from bad habits, physical training, morale and keep track of health regularly, do not smoke and drink alcohol, blood pressure control, prevention of cardiovascular disease, diabetes good help prevent disease Stroke effective. Using An offer complete Korean royal ox helps regulate and stabilize blood pressure, reduce stress, fatigue ... as well as how to prevent the disease.

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