
How to Care Patient Stroke Home

Disease Stroke leave but less sequelae such as hemiplegia, cognitive dysfunction language courses in the towel eating problems go back. So, after the patient is discharged home care according to the following requirements for rapid patient recovery:
Nutrition for stroke patients is important. When at home with limited access to fluids (sugar, protein) for patients should nurture issue is very important. For those patients who do not feed themselves but must be placed gastric tube, caregivers have to know how to eat over the sonde. Nurturing ensure 1800-2000 Kcal / day equivalent of 3-4 meals / day, every meal 500ml pump.
Ration meals usually potatoes, porridge, lean, cost, vegetables shrinkage or minced vegetables cut into the soup cook food for patients, can add 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil in soup. After a period of time can give patients to eat by mouth and receding sonde.
For those patients not put gastric tube, oral feeding should choose foods that taste with the disease. Note for patients to eat slowly, avoid pressing the patient as it may cause choking, choking very dangerous. Patients with more disease hypertension, diabetes, increased blood fat is to eat according to regulations.

Anti-ulcer care: Patients with cerebral vascular accident could be paralyzed, usually a place to stay long, do not walk, especially comatose patients, the complications are more common ulcer. Frequent ulcer at the site of the company to many as sacrococcygeal, heels, shoulders, back, buttocks. For anti-ulcer patient, the patient should lie on the air mattress or cushion of water; a pressure roll back changes to the patient every 2 hours or her patients 1 times (from supine to the lateral right or left). Every day gently massage the area company to many, but not so strong to cause peeling of the skin massage. Athletes passive side paralysis to avoid muscle cramping and helps circulation.
Keeping the company to more skin: 1-2 times daily wiping with a soft cloth, warm, then wipe dry with a clean soft towel, especially after using the toilet, urinating. When cleaning to avoid scratching the skin, do not grease or powder antibiotics for respiratory limiting moisture of the skin and cause ulcers easier. Daily to check for early detection of early signs of ulcers as itching, pain, change color like red, purple for timely treatment. When detected early signs of ulcers must pillows, soft cushion in place to avoid that company to add, or spray may be used to prevent ulcers sanyren.
If you have an ulcer care is as follows: The first time the ulcer has not yet spread deep, slippery skin wounds can be 1-2 times daily, then washed with saline and hydrogen peroxide, gauze sterilization blot dry, then apply xanhmethylen can then use sterile gauze retreading. Better able to ultraviolet phototherapy ulcers. If ulcers deep, wide and organized necrosis must first cut removes necrotic organization, then covered with gauze and 10% potassium chloride, 1 day instead of 1 time. Or you can use tape urgosorb. A dressing may be useful in organizations attract dirt and necrosis.
When sores have shown signs of recovery, shallow ulcers gradually, to the county, the organization may apply more high student body.
Care for complications of respiratory and urinary: In addition to the ulcer complications in patients after stroke often have respiratory diseases are caused by long and sedentary as pneumonia, airway obstruction due to overload excess phlegm available. For patients up, patted his back every day to shake the patient is coughing up phlegm easier. Many patients with severe coma without reflex coughing phlegm suction, there must be at home, use nebulizer 2 times / day. Aerosol cleaning solutions including 4ml berodual, a pipe and a pipe a chymotripsin gentamycin.
Besides pulmonary superinfection urinary tract infections are also common in patients after stroke. These patients often bowel incontinence, or sonde to put johnny elementary and enema due to constipation. So be cleaned daily urinary genital area, keep dry, especially after going to the toilet. The patient is placed sonde primary bladder wash daily. Diets need plenty of green vegetables, fiber, drink enough water and massage the abdomen to avoid constipation. If patients with constipation must enema every other day.
In general, when the last stroke patients during the acute phase, the issue of care, nurture, motor rehabilitation for patients is very important to help patients recover soon and soon integrate with life. We need to understand what needs to be noted on the best patient care.
Thus, care for stroke patients is a problem, ask the caregiver to understand the situation as well as the psychology of the patient, from feeding, oral hygiene, bathing ... requires a good skill and care with compassion and responsibility to overcome these difficulties.

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