
Causes Stroke Patients

  Stroke occurs due to circulatory disorders with acute brain. This is a serious disease, high mortality and sequelae more. The risk of having this huge disaster in people with hypertension.
Atherosclerosis: due to fatty plaques in the arteries close, growing thicker as the vascular lumen narrowing, blood stasis and close clot embolization in place or run up clogging the blood vessels behind.
Heart disease: an irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation) or heart valve stenosis ... do good blood circulation, the stagnant blood clot close in heart. A piece of the clot may break off through the bloodstream to the brain will be stuck in that clog capillaries.

Small vessel disease: in people with hypertension, diabetes, untreated perennial good, the small arteries of the brain damage and blockage of blood supply to the brain is not too cerebral anemia.
Cerebral hemorrhage - bleeding brain: blood vessel in the brain bursts, blood to the brain is that flowed into the pinched brain damaged brain. Hypertension is a major cause of broken capillaries, occurs when blood pressure is not treated long-term good. Blood pressure, ie blood pressure in the blood vessels, increasing blood vessels long day often stretched, leading to cracks, damage to blood vessels, creating a small bulge, to someday be broken out.
Other causes: cerebral deformity, degenerative brain blood vessels, brain tumors, hemophilia ...
Clinical manifestations due to occlusion or rupture difficult to distinguish, to diagnose the cause must be based on factors such history, the disease is available and preclinical tests (MRI, CT scan: the method used the X-ray player runs around the patient in combination with a computer will obtain images of slices through the body when handling the computer).
In typical cases, the symptoms appear suddenly, progress in just a few hours (or days). In theory, the focal neurological symptoms corresponding to the area of ​​the artery reperfusion injury, however due to the arterial anastomosis with each other should be compensated by the blood supply intact arteries, blurred the symptoms.
Lesions in the cerebral hemispheres (50% of cases) can cause: the party list, starting laliet soft, gradual progression to spasticity; reduce feelings of parties; amblyopia same side; hard to say.
Brainstem lesions (25%): diverse symptoms, can cause quadriplegia, visual disturbances, locked in syndrome (province, but due to paralysis understand, do not do anything about it).
Injury defects (25%): many small round basal ganglia infarction, which in, hippocampal brain vacau. The patient remains conscious, symptoms may relate to movement or sensation or both, sometimes with ataxia symptoms.

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