
Drink water before bed room cerebrovascular accidents

The results of some studies show that before going to bed, drink a glass of water can help prevent stroke evidence nao.Trong fact, the case of cerebral vascular accident occurred in the early morning. After a long night of body water is not supplied, the blood becomes thicker, and this is one of the reasons that lead to cerebral vascular accident.

Drink water before going to bed

The results of some studies show that before going to bed, drink a glass of water can help prevent stroke evidence nao.Trong fact, the case of cerebral vascular accident occurred in the early morning. After a long night of body water is not supplied, the blood becomes thicker, and this is one of the reasons that lead to cerebral vascular accident.

In a day, sometimes blood-thinning characteristics at the same time there is a certain rule.
In the morning, from 4 pm to 8 hours, the blood freezes at most, then gradually thinned out, until about 12 pm is the time most diluted, and then gradually thickens, and come back the next morning to peak.
- So, each of us, especially the older ones, the evening before going to bed to drink 200 ml of water (about a cup), then woke up the morning, not the blood is not specific but also diluted.
The medical experts also recommend that the evening before bedtime drink cause blood thinning out, is good for the circulation of blood vessels, helping to prevent cerebral vascular accident.
- There are many causes of cerebral vascular accident, the coagulation of the blood increases only as one of the causes of disease.
However, can confirm drinking water before going to bed with a certain effect on the prevention of cerebral vascular accident.
Soak and wash your face with hot water
Each evening foot soak and wash your face with hot water, preferably at about 50 ° C, occasionally add a little vinegar or a little salt to the water bowl.
- Salt has antiseptic effects, vinegar can also bleach freckles on the face and skin.
- Soak a washcloth in hot water, then squeeze dry quickly and apply on face, nasal snuff use the heat from radiating towel.
Once again cool washcloth soaked in hot water, so just went back and forth a few times to work packs eye, face packs and compresses the nose.
- Nose breathing room heat effect colds, rhinitis treatment and anti nosebleeds.
- Apply the eye can contribute to healing the eyes; face packs can help reduce freckles, making the skin even more smooth and increase elasticity.
After cleansing soak feet in hot water. When should hand foot instep period, may also take the legs rubbing together.
After 10 minutes, towel dry the foot and hand massage the legs.
- Massage is good for leg because of ankle joints 66 and younger blood, corresponding to the parts of the human body.
- When a department that is not normal, then the corresponding pressure points in the feet will feel and appear unusual phenomena.

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