
Emergency Handling and treatment of sequelae of cerebral vascular accident traditional medicine

In the cerebral vascular accident evidence, the wait person with expertise as well as the shifting, moving the patient may exacerbate bleeding or costly time for brain necrosis can not recover conceived. Therefore, handling emergencies promptly and properly approach significantly important in the treatment and rehabilitation of this disease completely.

What is cerebral vascular accident?
 Cerebral vascular accident, also known as stroke is an acute cerebral circulatory disorders due to the blood supply to part of the brain is interrupted. The disease usually occurs when patients undergo a sudden change from hot air to cold, drafts, after a strenuous effort, after drinking alcohol or a sensation.
Brain stroke is a serious injury that, if not treated promptly can lead to death or cause serious sequelae. The interruption of blood flow to the brain may play due to cerebrovascular or by the formation of a blood clot or atherosclerotic cerebrovascular embolism do.
Symptoms usually occur suddenly. Neurological symptoms occur corresponding brain areas are not blood supply. The patient may be numbness, weakness or paralysis on one side completely hands or feet, sudden loss of vision or speech difficulties, decreased sense ... Maybe headache or not.
Some people may have some warning a few hours or a few days before the catastrophe occurred. Signs may include nausea, dizziness, numbness on one side arm or leg or a transient loss of consciousness.
For simple and easy to remember for everyone, in the US it summarizes the symptoms of a stroke are 3 letters STR. STR is the first 3 letters of 3 from Smile (smile), Talk ( say) and Raise (lift). In order to minimize the effects of stroke and stroke some people, each person should know and be processed STR emergency or referral even if realized his neighbor suddenly has one of three symptoms:
- S mile. Try smiling. This man can not be smiling.
- T alk. Ask them to say a simple sentence, for example: a nice day. This person can not speak or lisp, speak no English round.
- R Aise. Lift 2 arm or 2 hands up. This man can not lift two weak or paralyzed arm or one side completely.
Cerebral vascular accident is a syndrome under the stroke of traditional medicine. In the elderly or people with impaired air quality, functional organs Heart, Can, Spleen, Kidney impairment, yin low birth sputum. Catastrophe happens when people suddenly have the wrong address this style encounter outside or negative emotions provoked positive Can cause internal room from inside. Allows treatment of medicine ordinarily carried out evidence, witness escape, seizures, or seizures, organ meridians and customization government securities which include immediate treatment room, bar fire, except sputum, open space lodge to relieve congestion and both gas and blood tonic to go to the yin-yang balance and strengthen resistance to stabilization of long-term health.
Dealing with emergencies
In the brain of stroke, waiting for the professionals as well as moving, shifting the patient may exacerbate bleeding or costly time for hypoxic brain damaged can not be recovered. Therefore, handling emergency timely significance in the full recovery of the patient status later.
The following method is commonly experienced by Mr. Ha Bu Jing, a Chinese doctor. Features of the method is simple, easy to remember, easy to do, does not include the tomb complex or specialized instruments to what everyone can practice in anywhere.
According to this method, each recognizing a person showing signs of stroke, although he is still sitting, standing or has collapsed, was unconscious or conscious, the next calm and practical turn the following steps before moving them to the base of expertise required:
- Place the patient lies down gently. Stay up to move the patient to not aggravate the bleeding.
- Find even a sewing needle. Heh needle into the fire to disinfect.
- Turn the injection ceremony 10 patients fingertips. Use your left hand to hold slang place near the end of the first finger of the patient, using 3 thumb, index and middle of the right hand needle holding fast to the highest place of the fingers. Withdraw the needle and injected molded slightly from place one or two drops of blood. The fingertip is the location of the grave Cross said, the focus of many nerve endings are sensitive.
According to the theory of neural reflex theory as well as the entire map, the fingers corresponding to the first part of the body and the top of the finger pointed to the grave Botanical Congress at the top. In addition, the festival moves to inject taking "Description" and very excited.
Therefore, we can say the first finger prick officiate as specific measures to stimulate the spirit and style of stagnant zones in the region as well as the brain first. Both movements can prevent or recover from a coma brain just can eliminate the instantaneous element "style", cause direct cause catastrophe.
On the other hand, the impact on the fingers as well as indirect effects on Bach vented meaningful opportunity to activate the diameter fluctuations of economic activity leads to information communication, accumulation of stagnant consumption, help solve the overload blood and regulate body gas business.
- Wait a few minutes later, the patient will settle down.
- If the patient's mouth or eyes are distorted to one side, use the thumb and forefinger of 2 hands clawed at the same time both 2 wheel of the disease. Swipe from the top down. Caressed and stroked constantly repeated until 2 wheel red roses ..
- Use left hand squeezed into the upper part of the ear and injected into the patient's ear highest (Ear acupuncture injection). Squeeze out a few drops of blood.
At this point we can secure the transfer of patients to specialized institutions to manage and care for the next steps for the stable long-term health. Most cases of cerebral stroke is treated promptly treated according to this method are back to normal. The remaining problem is compliance with a mode of living, eating and exercise reasonable to increase the resistance and control the risk factors that can cause a stroke, such as high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, fatty obesity, diabetes. .
Treatment of sequelae of cerebral vascular accident
In fact many cases brain stroke stroke underwent several hours or several days, were treated and sequelae. In these cases treatment with medicine combines acupuncture and taking over the control cube with very positive results.
However, the scope of this article will only mention two specific remedies experience with stroke and a major drug. It is the Pheretima ie earthworms. Location dragon is a drug that has been used in folk medicine for a long. Pheretima salty, welding, to 3 glasses, Spleen, Kidney, there is heat effect, diuretic, detoxifying. Especially the town of economic effects, congestive melt, improve the elasticity of blood vessels, nerve cells nourish and restore the memory of the witness coma cerebral vascular accident.
Since 1911 Japanese scientists have found in Pheretima with activity Lumbritin work out blood stasis. Recently in our country, Dr. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Dao has published research on the species of worm and the worm says in substance fibrinolytic enzyme capable of hydrolyzing fibrin fibers -a very strong in reduced blood protein to dissolve the blood clot in the brain of stroke. Here are two articles cure sequelae of cerebral stroke using Pheretima.
Panacea to save par
Prescription drugs and name all this may appear from early last century, was reprinted in the book "Two hundred remedies you his" Le Van Tinh in 1940 with the note that "all of mezzanines, pestilence and incurable diseases, such as mental effect, patients back after 60 minutes. "   After this, all drugs were safe Dinh Nguyen, firstborn of tools for common Nguyen An Ninh on some newspaper.
Remedies have been Dr. Nguyen Van Huong, former Minister of Health for the common to effective use during combat dengue fever in the north in 1969. So far this has a simple remedy rescue and recovery for many cases of coma due to stroke despite many days have passed.
In a document to be popular in 1997, which he is said "the form of coma due to dengue or cerebral vascular accident, within 10 days of just 3 months, sometimes only one elevator is out sick." Medicinal 3 original location:
- Pheretima 50g (local dried fruit are also available in pharmacies North).
- Black beans 100g.
- Leaves sweet butter 200g (dry, yellow star).
Use about 4 cups of water to about half a cup of excellence, in 2 divided doses for the patient or into the mouth if you have any static. In this medicine outside Add your dragon has 2 black beans and sweet butter leaf. Black beans and sweet butter are two common types of food but have very high nutritional value, especially vitamins and essential amino acids necessary for the operation of nerve cells.
Additional sleeping positive Full scale
Additional positive finish a deck bed ladder is the specialized treatment of apoplexy, cerebral vascular accident.
- Pheretima 8g,
- 16g Imperial period,
- Of You 8g,
- Red thược 6g
- Trans-frame 4g,
- Training personnel 4g,
- Red Flower 4g
Use about 3 cups of water colors are more cups, 2 divided doses for the patient. In this medication dosage of Pheretima average but only by a combination of 5 different herbs familiar work out gas work to make the results of blood dissolve blood stasis and clear the meridians.
Imperial period as a tonic gas, exhibited dose used to strengthen the dominant gas. Also, here Hoang period had some salutary effects such as diuretics, antihypertensive and enhance the strength of the blood vessels.

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