Stroke is the cause of death after cancer 3rd and heart.
These shortcomings sudden neurological symptoms such as localized
hemiplegia, coma, loss of language ... (not due to traumatic brain
injury). There are two types of brain stroke: ischemic and hemorrhagic sequelae after leaving the most common hemiplegia.
The recovered files move around inside paraplegia very important to the
lives of patients, many of which aids bring high efficiency.

Stroke disease can occur in any age group but a high percentage of older people. Stroke is a condition to stop the blood supply to part of the brain, this condition will destroy brain cells leads to lack of brain function. The function of the brain that controls the operation of the body and thinking abilities to brain tissue destroyed when the function which it assumed would decrease or loss. In case of severe damage, which can lead to death, age greater the higher the mortality rate. Stroke as stated is divided into 2 types: ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke. Up to 80% of cases of ischemic stroke are the world (also known as ischemic stroke), this case occurs due to blockages of blood vessels that supply the brain tissue or blood pressure due to reduced overall coal (rare ). Particularly cerebrovascular condition usually met two situations: natural clot formation due to cerebrovascular atherosclerosis (like in myocardial infarction) and clot from elsewhere rushed to clog blood vessels . Hemorrhagic stroke is caused by rupture of cerebral blood vessels, including intracranial hemorrhage and subdural hemorrhage.
Stroke often causes sequelae hemiplegia. Symptoms of paralysis underwent three stages: the first is hypotonic (flaccid paralysis), then normal muscle tone and ultimately increased muscle tone (spasticity). At this stage of spasticity: the patient will fold on the list, go back to the good side; upper limb spasticity in stretching postures. So in the process of rehabilitation for patients to lessen cramps. The acute phase, patients will not be practicing instruments with the guidance of technicians. Phase patient recovered well and has the capacity to stand, it will start to walk with instruments. The exercise can be in physical therapy facility or practice at home with homemade instruments:
- Tap to go to the walker: after leaning on a walker, use your hands to lift or push the frame forward and step one foot forward, step onto the other foot under. Then repeat the same to go to.
- Tap to go to the bar in parallel: the patient will move forward with one hand on a stick and put his other hand on the other bar, then step one foot and then the next leg. Go-order this action.
- Tap to go to a bar: good hand on the stick will hold hands and go forward up front, then step up and step one foot to the other foot.
- Tap to go with two crutches: the patient will move forward and improve crutches crutches crutches rest on the level first, then step one foot then the second leg.
- Episode come with two sticks: put a stick up to bat first and then put the rest on the level, step one foot forward and then the other leg up over
- Tap to go with a cane: the patient standing with hands pressed cane for balance, put sticks up front and then put the foot to the front and then the next major leg up over health.
- Tap to go up and down stairs with a railing or wall: good hand rails of the patient on the arm or against the wall. The patient healed up before next steps listed on the push pins. Note that there must be support for patients, when people go to the support behind in the list, while going down the stairs, the support stand before looking up to assist when needed.
The recovery movement, especially for travel outside depending on the extent of brain tissue damage depends on the exercise of the patient. If properly trained and persistence of long periods can help patients walk again, thereby also preventing complications lie or sit so long (pneumonia, urinary tract infection, skin ulcers ...)
In addition to advocacy, patients should drink more products help recovery after stroke sequelae, improving the consequences of disasters such as paralysis, distorted mouth, lisp, ... Products are many doctors and Patients trust that uses brain Ming Wang. This product is herbal treatment helps support brain stroke, improving the sequelae after stroke. To achieve best results, patients should use 6th will achieve the best performance.
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